Walker active boots are ideal to protect your pet's pads. T1 : Yorkshire Terrier, West Highland Terrier T2 : Jack russell Terrier, Cocker Spaniel T3 : Border collier, Beagle T4 : Australien Shephred, Dalmatiner/Dalmatian T5 : Labrador, Airedale Terrier T6 : Golden retriver, setter T7 : German Shephred, Berner Sennenhund / Bernese Moutain Dog
E0060 : Height - 1.2 cm E0061 : Height - 1.5 cm E0062 : Height - 1.8 cm
Identity tybes big model (chromium)
Cardboard Display of 24 identity tubs for cats or dogs collars. Made of plastic - waterproof. Ideal for resale in pet stores and grooming salons.
Cardboard Display of 24 identity tubs for cats or dogs collars. Color : chromium. with round tubs waterlight joint Ideal for resale in pet stores and grooming salons.
Cardboard Display of 24 identity tubs for cats or dogs collars. Color : chromium. 2 models available : small (E1178) and large (E1177). Ideal for resale in pet stores and grooming salons.
Cardboard Display of 24 identity tubs for cats or dogs collars. Color : golden. 2 models available : small (E1173) and large (E1174). Ideal for resale in pet stores and grooming salons.
Cardboard Display of 24 bells for cats or small dogs collars. Various colors. 2 models available : small (E1170 - bell diameter : 8mm) and large (E1171 - bell diameter : 12mm). Ideal for resale in pet stores and grooming salons.