Decorative knot for dog with clasp clip. Color : pink jacquard
Decorative knot for dog with clasp clip. Color : grey jacquard
Decorative knot for dog with clasp clip. Color : blue vichy
Decorative knot for dog with clasp clip. Color : purple with white spots
Decorative knot for dog with clasp clip. Color : pink with white spots
Decorative knot for dog with clasp clip. Color : red with white spots
Cardboard Display of 12 knots of various colors and mixed models (vichy, maureen, spots... see picture). Clasp slide system. Ideal for resale in pet stores and grooming salons.
Cardboard Display of 12 knots of various colors, with "spots" pattern. Clasp slide system. Ideal for resale in pet stores and grooming salons.
Cardboard Display of 12 knots of various colors, with "Maureen" pattern. Clasp slide system. Ideal for resale in pet stores and grooming salons.
Cardboard Display of 12 knots of various colors, with "Vichy" pattern. Clasp slide system. Ideal for resale in pet stores and grooming salons.