

Education collars and muzzles

Strangler and Torquatus collars, rigid and soft muzzles. For dog trainers or educators, and resale as well.

  • Strangler and Torquatus collars

    A selection of metal collars for dog trainers and educators loke strangler collars and Torquatus collars.

    Many models available

  • Muzzles
    Avoid dogs from barking or bitting with our plastic and nylon muzzles
  • Hound dogs collars
    Fluorescent collars for outdoor activities and hunting, available in many colours
per page
Showing 25 - 30 of 30 items
  • Doogy special adjustable muzzle for dogs. With muzzle and neck adjustement systems. Brown with white dotted lines. Available in 2 different models (small and large - see details for dimensions)

  • Doogy special adjustable muzzle for dogs. With muzzle and neck adjustement systems. Red with yellow dotted lines. Available in 2 different models (small and large - see details for dimensions)

  • Doogy adjustable muzzle and neck measurement. The netting optimizes the aeration. Available in 4 different sizes (from size 2 to size 5 - see details for dimensions)

  • Torquatus strangler collar for dog. For dressage and training.  Available in 3 different sizes (Size 0, 2 and 3- see details for dimensions)

  • Double strangler collar for dog - 2 Rows. Excellent quality-price ratio.  Available in 4 different sizes (from size 45 to size 60- see details)

  • Simple strangler collar for dog - 1 Row. Excellent quality-price ratio.  Available in 7 different sizes (from size 35 to size 65 - see details)

Showing 25 - 30 of 30 items