

Sprays and creams

Products for profesionnals of grooming or pet shows and contests. Conditioners, detanglers, lotions, creams.

  • Detangling sprays
    Powerfull detangling sprays for pet grooming, shows and contests. Helps to remove knots in long furs
  • Conditioning sprays
    These conditioners are perfect for giving strength and brightness to dogs coats
  • Other sprays
    All other kinds of sprays for dogs and cats professionals. Whitening, volumizing,
  • Creams and lotions
    Every creams and lotions needed by professional grommes are in this catagory. Try and adopt Dog Genration products
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Showing 37 - 47 of 47 items
  • This subtle mixture for long and dry coats not only promotes hair growth but also protects and softens the hair thanks to the combination of jojoba and wheat germs oils. Ideal for curl paper hairstyling Available in 250ml bottle.

  • Ideal for canine professionals. Untangles and leaves hair softand sleek. Paraben free. Especially for groomers. Do not wet the hair Available in 500ml bottle.

  • This non-greasing lotion was designed to help untangle long and semi-long hair and is especially used for professional dogshows. The formula, enriched with mango extract, efficiently prevents the formation of knots as well as statically charged hair. Available in 250ml bottle.

  • The whitening spray for cats and dogs revives the beauty of your pet’s coat by intensifying its light and brightness. It can be used before or after shampoo and does not wet nor dry out your pet’s skin. Available in 300ml spray.

  • This powerful spray leaves your pet’s fur smooth and even more manageable for you to shape. Applicable on all kinds of fur in small amounts. Available in 300ml spray.

  • This conditioner is the ideal ally to protect the fur after the shampoo and insure the grooming finish. Prevents statically charged hair, giving back shine to the fur. Available in 300ml spray.

  • This conditioner has been developed especially for limp coats. It pushes up your pet’s fur without wetting it or leaving a greasy sensation on your skin. Especially recommended for Poodles, Cocker Spaniels, Collies, Bichons, Pekinese, Bobtails, Persians, Spitz-type dogs… Available in 300ml spray.

  • This powerful conditioner nourishes, softens and strengthens your pet’s coat. The jojoba oil helps regulate the excess of sebum, making the coat shiny and hydrated. Available on 300ml (K8155) or 500 ml spray (K8165).

  • This powerful conditioner made from mink oil nourishes and softens your pet’s skin and hair and disentangles it at the sametime. Especially recommended for cats and dogs with silky and smooth hair. Available on 300ml (K8125) or 500 ml spray (K8135).

  • For Dogs and cats. this powerful antistatic detangling conditioner gives softeness, radiance and shininess to Dogs (Yorks, Lhassas, Afghans, Shi-tzu, Cockers, Bichons, Caniches...) and cats (Persans, Chinchillas, Birmans, Angoras). It detangles, covers and softens the coat, whithout greasing it.

  • For Dogs and cats with felted and knotted hair. This powerful detangling conditioner, with hydrating agent is also antistatic and oil-free, (4 in 1). This spray is recommended for all Dogs and cats with felted and knotted hair (Bichon, Shih-tzu, Lhasa, Briard, Yorkshire, Afghan, Cocker, Spaniel, Persian...).

Showing 37 - 47 of 47 items